This video was created by JADPRO in collaboration with Pfizer. Health information provided in the video is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace discussions with your doctor or care team.
Understanding Biomarker Testing | Table of Contents
Chapter 2 | Test Your Knowledge
Pathologists play a number of important roles in the biomarker testing process, including helping providers determine the correct test(s) to order, ensuring that the testing is done in a high-quality fashion, and interpreting the results of biomarker testing. Prescribing a therapy that matches the patient’s biomarker status is done by the oncologist or the oncology AP.
Chapter 2 | Test Your Knowledge
Comprehensive biomarker testing is testing for a large number of biomarkers at the same time. Most of the time this means “next-generation or high-throughput sequencing”. This is a process where the DNA sequence (partial or complete) of a large number of cancer-related genes in a biopsy sample are examined.
Chapter 2 | Test Your Knowledge
Next-generation sequencing takes up to a couple of weeks to complete. This is because it takes several days to process patient biopsies and to perform the actual DNA sequencing, and then it takes additional days for computers to process the large amount of data generated, and then for pathologists to review and interpret the results when they are ready.
Chapter 3 | Thinking About Biomarkers in a Different Way
Picture cancer like a lock that needs to be opened, and treatment like a key. Each person's cancer is unique, like the key for each lock. Having the right key for your lock may help your treatment team choose the best treatment for your particular cancer.
Biomarker testing can give the team the information to choose the best treatment for you, for the best chance of success.
Chapter 4 | Test Your Knowledge
If there is an out-of-pocket cost for biomarker testing, there may be financial assistance (through the company that does the testing or from grants) available. Patients should ask their nurse navigator or other members of the care team for help understanding these reimbursement options.
Chapter 4 | Test Your Knowledge
A patient navigator can support patients and their families in many ways: they can coordinate contact with a social worker or psychologist, help locate a support group, clarify the financial and insurance implications of treatment, and assist with other aspects of the cancer journey.
Chapter 5 | The Team Approach
We have discussed what biomarker testing is, how each member of the clinical care team is involved in your biomarker testing, how your results are interpreted, and how these results influence treatment decisions. Biomarker testing is an important part of precision medicine, and new progress in research will continue to identify even more biomarkers that will help guide decision-making in cancer care.
Ms. Elkins has received honoraria from AstraZeneca, Bayer, Blueprint Medicines, Daiichi, Janssen, Mirati, and Merck.
Dr. Florez has acted as a consultant and/or advisor for AstraZeneca, DSI, Janssen, Neogenomics, Pfizer, Merck, and Regeneron.
Ms. Malcom has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Dr. Okolo has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Dr. Sabath has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.